Web portal instructions
This guide will provide basic instructions for logging into your Web Portal to approve hours submitted using the Web Time Approval Function.
Customer Time Approvers should have a Web Portal login setup. If you do not know your login or the link to access the portal, please contact our support team at support@tpd.com.
Summary of Steps
Login to the Web Portal or click the link in the Reminder email
If logging into the Portal directly, click on "Time Approvals"
View hours for Employees
Select Timesheets for Approval and Approve submitted hours
If a Timesheet is not approved, Dispute and enter the reason why (required)
Timesheet Approval
Go to the Web Portal to login, or click the link in the Reminder email:

Enter hours by day, use the Save button if you are not ready to submit the hours for approval.

Approving Time Cards
Approvers may choose to approve one or more timesheets at one time. Use the check box to select the timesheets, then click the "Approve" button to save and approve hours. After hours are Approved or Disputed, they are sent to WorkWithUs for processing.
Disputed Time Cards
If a Timesheet is not approved, enter the reason why to dispute the hours. A note must be entered to detail the reason for the dispute.

If you have any additional questions about the Web Time Approval process, please contact our Support Team at support@tpd.com.